Overzicht Shenzhou Open University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Shenzhou Open University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Medische Basiskennis volgens de PLATO-normen
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  • Studiepunten: 41.7
  • Geldig vanaf: 01-03-2023
  • Geldig tot: 01-03-2026
De intensieve opleiding Medische Basiskennis is ontwikkeld voor studenten uit verschillende richtingen van de complementaire geneeskunde met als doel het verkrijgen van een hoog kennisniveau van de anatomie, fysiologie en pathologie.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (acupunctuur) incl. MBK
  • Studiepunten: 244.9
  • Geldig vanaf: 01-08-2023
  • Geldig tot: 01-08-2026

Traditional Chinese Medicine (kruidengeneeskunde) incl. MBK
  • Studiepunten: 244.9
  • Geldig vanaf: 01-08-2023
  • Geldig tot: 01-08-2026

Traditional Chinese Medicine (tuina therapie) incl. MBK
  • Studiepunten: 244.9
  • Geldig vanaf: 01-08-2023
  • Geldig tot: 01-08-2026

Shenzhou Open University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Shenzhou Open University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Shenzhou is characterized by the combination of sound theoretical education with a strong focus on practical training. The teaching team mainly consists of in China full-time university-trained teachers. Their theoretical knowledge is deeply rooted and the practical education is convincing and effective due to their rich experience. Also, our teachers from Europe have spent part of their studies in China. Unique to Shenzhou is the clinic associated with the training. Students can complete part of their internships here. In addition, Shenzhou has an extensive network of external supervisors where internships can be done. As a student, you can also take advantage of the intensive practical lessons on two weekdays outside the weekends. Here, in small groups, localization of the acupuncture points and puncture techniques are practiced and live case studies are diagnosed and treated.